Sandbox Course Documentation
3. Chapter 3 - Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus:
Course Overview
The Introduction to Computer Careers course is a two (2) year vocational program offered by Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) at the Wayne-Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center to area high school students.
The Introduction to Computer Careers course is designed (upon completion) to serve as a preparatory class for individuals who want to obtain an entry-level information technology type position and/or perusing a post-secondary education involving computers directly or disciplines that require significant interaction with technology such as business, manufacturing and engineering.
The first year of the program focuses on introducing students to basic hardware, operating system, web page and troubleshooting concepts.
The first year of the course must be passed for a student to continue on to the next section.
The second half of the course continues where the first year left off; exposing students to advanced information technology skills in areas such as networking, software applications, programming and help desk management. Internship and job shadowing opportunities are also available for qualified students during some semesters.
At the completion of each year students take Test-Out © IT certification exams. First year students take the Introduction to PC test. Second year students take the Introduction to Networking test.
The goals of the Introduction to Computer Careers course are comparable to those in many expository courses offered by most college and university information technology and/or computer science departments. However, it is not expected that every student in the Introduction to Computer Careers course will major in computer science or information technology at the university level.
Upon successful completion of the course eight (8) high school class credits will be granted to student.
Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) will also grant students who complete the FLTCC Introduction to Computer Careers course college credit through their Gemini Program. FLCC college credits can then be transferred to other colleges and universities through various articulation agreements between FLCC and those institutions..